Request a FREE Demonstration of Free Software vTigerCRM Open Source for Commercial Management and After Sales Technical Support
What is CRM? How can I improve my management through the implementation of vTigerCRM Open Source?
Benefits of using free software in CRM solutions.
Management of calendars, precontacts, contacts, opportunities, budgets, tickets or incidents, orders, invoices, purchase orders in vTigerCRM Open Source
How can I improve my sales with this tool?
Those managers who are interested in discovering firsthand how an innovative CRM can add great value to small and medium enterprises.
If you are an SME looking for a tool to improve your management then this session is for you. Similarly, if you are a CIO and want to know the most innovative CRM technology in the web environment, we offer you to attend this demonstration.
After the demonstration, we will provide you with a 15-day demonstration of the free vTigerCRM Open Source software for a more in-depth evaluation and consultation on the issues that arise regarding its implementation.
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