vTiger for Installers / Maintenance Companies - Servicios de Desarrollo Consultoría Implantación y Formación en vTiger CRM Open Source

vTiger for Installers / Maintenance Companies


At vTigerSpain we are specialized in the development of vTiger CRM management software for machinery management companies. We have wide experience in this type of projects giving customized solutions for our client portfolio of the installers companies sector.

Among the modules that have this vertical solution that we have adapted are:

1. Accounts Module (Clients)
Register the set of Companies (Customers) to which we can issue budgets, orders of sales or invoices. Also associate business opportunities to manage with them.

2. Work Centers Module
It registers the set of Centers of Work that have each of the Companies (Clients). Each work center is a physical address where you can install the different Machines / Equipment which are described in the following modules. Given a customer this can have up to N work.

3. Contacts Module
Register the people or contacts that work in each one of the accounts, all contact must be related to an Account which belongs to the company it works for. The contact has data of email, telephone, address specific of the same and that can be different from the one of its associated Account.


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4. Budget Module
Record the budgets that are issued to each Account. Given a budget is made up of N lines of products / services to be budgeted. Every budget can be printed to PDF, can be associated to a business opportunity and has a date of issue of the same. The budgets can pass through different states (created, pending, accepted). Any budget we can generate from the one copy of Sales Order or a copy of corresponding Invoice (Bill).

5. Bidding Module
Register the set of Machinery Offers that have been prepared for customers. Every offer has one or several machines and allows to attach to the PDF of the offer the PDF features of each of the machines offered.

6. Delivery Notes Module
Records the set of delivery notes for the exits of the technicians in interventions at the clients’ homes. With these delivery notes or parts of work the technicians bring the result of the intervention with the different materials used, hours of work and performance. After this within the module we have a utility to perform the automatic billing of all invoices pending invoice to customers.

7. Invoice Module
Registers the set of Sales Invoices to Customers (Accounts). All invoices can be associated with an initial Budget, Order or Albaran generated from it.

8. Collection and Payment Management Module
Vtiger implementation

Registers the Set of Invoices (Effects) pending and marks them as completed after the bank reconciliation. After recording the collections of the Invoice pending is marked as Paid automatically. From the invoice a new collection record is created with the amount remaining for said Invoice.
For the payments to suppliers these can be registered in this same module, all Invoice of purchase of supplier is associating the records of payments being marked like the supplier invoices automatically paid after the mark as completed of said payments.

9. Suppliers Module
Register the database of avaiable suppliers to be able to issue purchase orders to them.


10. Purchase Orders Module / Albaran Buy / Invoice Purchase

It registers the set of Requests for Purchases, Invoices, Purchase Invoices that are made for the suppliers. All purchase orders are associated with a supplier and have a registration date. The purchase order has N associated products / services. Within the purchase order, when we make the same one we can choose the price of the product for a special purchase rate. The purchase order is transformed to Albaran of Entry and in the moment that it is put to “received” state, the Stock of the product is increased in the N units of said product in the Albaran of Entry.


11. Service Contracts Module

Register the set of Maintenance Service Contracts we have with our customers. These service contracts have a valid period and allow us to have control of when we must give a free support or maintenance to our client.


12. Installed Equipment Module

It registers the set of equipment that we have installed in the possible Work Centers of the clients. Each team can be associated with a current maintenance contract. Each team is identified by its serial number. Within each team we have all the history of interventions and work related parts.


13. Incidents Module

Records the set of after-sales incidents that exist with Customer Accounts or Contacts. Given incidence goes through different states (pending, in progress, resolved). The incidents can be automatically opened in the vTiger by an email sent by the Client or by a discharge from the Client Portal Module.


14. Product / Services Module

It registers all products and services, with their respective sales prices, different Sales, applicable VAT, stock available. The services are special products which do not have stock. There is a possibility to classify by product families. All products are visible for the time of making budgets, sales orders, invoices, purchase orders. Each product has a stock in the warehouse where for each entry Albaran is incremented and for each Sales Invoice is decremented.


15. Precontacts Module

Register a database of potential people who can do business with us, the precontacts. We can associate them with Tasks and Events of commercial visits or calls within the Calendar.


16. Campaign Module

Register the set of commercial campaigns that you want to manage from the CRM. To one commercial campaign you can add N Contacts, Precontacts, or Accounts records. As an effect of the campaign you have M records of new business opportunities generated. We can automatically send personalized emails one by one to all Contacts

Associated with the campaign and to measure email openings that have occurred on the part of the Contacts.


17. Calendar Module

Display a Google Calendar of all events and dates that occur in the system. Registration of business visits, birthdays of Contacts, pending tasks, expiration of opportunities, bill expiration, start of projects, start of activities.


18. Tasks / Events Module

Given a contact, precontact, or account we can create a Task or Event record that allows to control within the calendar the date of completion of the same, equally fall registered and associated within the contact sheet.


19. Opportunities Module

It records all those business opportunities detected with Accounts or Contacts. Once we make the precontact, the program gives us the option of creating a business opportunity with the Account/Contact created.


20. Documents Module

Manage documents that can be associated with Accounts, Contacts, Precontacts, Opportunities, Budgets, Invoices and other main modules. All this documentary management can be structured in folders. You can attach these documents in the process of sending emails from the tool itself.


21. Customer Portal Module

Portal of access for the clients of the company. With a login/password that comes via email, the client automatically connects to this portal and can work with: the list of the budgets that have been issued, the list of invoices, the list of incidents to be managed and open a new issue.



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vTigerSpain, la forma más rápida de hacer crecer tu negocio con una tecnología de software libre de CRM líder.
Teléfonos de contacto: +34 911 17 41 32 /+34 678 20 53 16 C/ Ivan Pavlov, 2, 2-4, Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía, Málaga, España vTigerSpain © Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved. Aviso Legal.
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